Language and Culture Coaching

Schedule Meetings With Emily

Schedule a time to meet with Emily Montgomery. If you want to make an in-person appointment with Emily, make sure to select a day she will be on campus. For all in-person appointments, come to in 1120 International Center.

UC Davis Jargon

UC Davis Jargon

We use acronyms, abbreviations, and special names for many campus terms. Being familiar with these terms can help you communicate with others on campus.

Language & Culture Coaching Student Guidelines

Student Guidelines Attendance

Students who sign up for coaching must attend the sessions that they sign up for. If your availability changes or if you need to reschedule or cancel a session, please follow the guidelines below.  

Language & Culture Coaching

Language & Culture Coaching (LCC)

In LCC, multilingual graduate students work toward developing their oral English skills so they can communicate effectively as TAs. In this personalized program, students can choose which areas they want to focus on and receive instruction in a flexible, personal setting.

Students are welcome to participate in coaching regardless of their current TA eligibility. Whether you're a future TA or a TA with years of experience, you're welcome to join us and work on developing your skills and confidence.

International and Academic English

Language and Academic Support for Multilingual Students

International and Academic English strives to ensure academic success for multilingual students, both undergraduate and graduate, by using data to identify barriers to multilingual student success and partnering with campus entities to build programs to overcome them.