Headshot of Huda Ibrahim.

About Huda Ibrahim

Country: Ghana
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Huda Ibrahim, a data-driven environmental expert with over six years of experience, is dedicated to transforming Ghana's environmental regulatory landscape.  She currently works as an assistant program officer at Ghana's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental engineering, a master's degree in environmental science, and a certificate in geographic information systems.  Huda has directly impacted over 20 communities in the Bono East Region and beyond with climate change awareness, actively participated in actions to protect the Tano River, which supports several communities along its path, and mentored over 100 young people to improve their leadership and professional skills.  She is currently researching the development of an air quality dispersion modeling system for the Techiman community, with the goal of scaling it up and adopting it as a regulatory model.  Huda intends to leverage her Fellowship experience and exposure in the United States to improve the results of the EPA's compliance monitoring and enforcement efforts in Ghana.

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Available to Speak About

  • Climate change
  • Air pollution
  • Sanitation and waste management
  • Clean energy
  • Environmental sustainability 

Related SDGs

On a bright blue background are the illustration of a full cup of water with an arrow pointed down, the number 6 and the words, "Clean Water and Sanitation"
On a bright yellow background are an image of a power button with sunrays coming out of it like it's the sun, the number 7, and the words, "Affordable and Clean Energy."
On an orange background are an illustration of four city buildings, the number 11, and the words "Sustainable Cities and Communities""
On a light brown background is an infinity sign with an arrow on the bottom left side indicating it will continue its looping path. Above the image is the number 12 and the words "Responsible Consumption and Production"
On a green background is an illustration of an eye with the global as the iris, the number 13 and the words, "Climate Action."
On a medium blue background is the image of a fish with two wavy lines above it to indicate water. Above the image is the number 14 and the words "Life Below Water"


Program Type

