Cuihua (Cindy) Shen

Headshot of Cindy Shen.

Cuihua (Cindy) Shen (PhD, University of Southern California) is a professor of communication at UC Davis, a co-founder of the Computational Communication Research lab, and a faculty affiliate at the Computational Social Science Designated Emphasis as well as the East Asian Studies program. Her current research focuses on computational social science and multimodal (mis)information in AI-mediated environments. Her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Facebook, and Google Cloud. She is a recipient of numerous top paper awards as well as a Fulbright US Scholar Award.  

Currently, Dr. Shen serves as an Associate Editor at Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication and a Founding Associate Editor at Computational Communication Research. She is also the past chair of the Computational Methods Division of the International Communication Association (between 2017-2022). 

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